Thursday, July 19, 2007


I think things are finally looking up for Eric and I. We have been working hard at it for a while now and finally things are getting better for us. We just bought two brand new vehicles BRAND NEW and boy it feels great ....

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

So... Life in general

Well i guess i cant complain most of my kids are still at my parents. The breather is nice. My sister is here visiting me for about another week minus a weekend where she will be visiting her friends in tac town. Joey is finally unafraid of the swimming pool. He loves it so much we cant get him out of the water with out physically picking him up and carrying him its quite funny actually. EJ has been having a blast at scout camp so he tells me when he calls me and Makiya and Markus are enjoying the break away from home and all the drama of the friends in the neighborhood (and believe me i am too!!!!) My sister and i have cleaned my house from top to bottom and WOW i can see my floor for more then 5 minutes it GREAT! Well gotta run hope ya all are having a great summer.......